Deceased Online adds more Scottish memorial transcriptions


01 June 2012
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An additional 120,000 Scottish burial records, mostly in rural burial grounds and cemeteries, have been added to www.deceasedonli

An additional 120,000 Scottish burial records, mostly in rural burial grounds and cemeteries, have been added to, bringing the total number of Scottish burial

and cremation records on the website to approximately 920,000.

The new records comprise headstone and memorial photographs and transcriptions from 99 cemeteries and burial grounds from Argyll to the Scottish Borders, including Banffshire (Moray), Clackmannanshire, Edinburgh, Fife, The Lothians, Lanarkshire and North Ayrshire.

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The oldest records date back to 1526 and memorial inscriptions can be searched on surname, forenames and date in the same way as register records. Access can also be purchased to a whole cemetery/churchyard collection for browsing, or just the subset of headstone images with inscriptions containing a specific surname.  These inscriptions can then be searched for any combination of names, words and dates.

The records have been supplied by Scottish Memorial Inscriptions (SMI) who have photographed and transcribed the inscriptions from the memorials and headstones. New indexes have been prepared by Deceased Online to assist with searching.

There are now records for more than 250 Scottish cemeteries, burial grounds and crematoria on Deceased Online and records for 150 more will be uploaded in the next few months. For full details, see Deceased Online's Database Coverage section.