Family Tree Dates for your Diary


17 June 2024
This is your at-a-glance guide to the all-important Family Tree dates. It includes the dates to look out for the latest issue of Family Tree, the dates of Family Tree webinars, events and courses, and the dates of the Family Tree Plus club meetings. If you have any queries, please email [email protected] and we'll be happy to help.

The simplest way to keep up with Family Tree news is to Sign up to our free enewsletter. To do so, just click here

Study Club Mon 8 July 'A family historian's guide to palaeography' with Kathie Ross

Family Tree latest issue out August 2024 issue out 12 July

DNA Club Wed 17 July 2024 'Haplogroups' with Donna Rutherford

Genealogy Gadgets Club Thurs 18 July 2024 7-8pm UK time. 'Research methodology for family history success' with Phil Isherwood. Please note the evening time of this meeting.

Family Tree latest issue out September 2024 issue out 9 August

Study Club Mon 12 August 'Royal family trees: succession & scandal' with Steve Roberts

DNA Club Wed 21 August 2024 'Getting your family tree ready for DNA' with Karen Evans

Genealogy Gadgets Club Thurs 22 August 2024 'A deep dive into Ancestry' with Laura House

Genealogy Gadgets Club Thurs 5 September 2024 'Creating visual images to illustrate family history articles, blogs and presentations' with Wayne Shepheard. Please note this is the 1st Monday of the month this time.

Study Club Mon 16 September 'Tracing my merchant mariner' with Keith Gregson. Please note this is the 3rd Monday of the month this time.

Family Tree latest issue out October 2024 issue out 13 September

Webinar: DNA for absolute beginners 13 September

DNA Club Wed 18 September 2024 This Club meeting will be presented by Michelle Leonard

DNA Bootcamp: 8 week online course 25 September to 13 November

Family Tree latest issue out November 2024 issue out 11 October

Study Club Mon 14 October 'An introduction to Chancery Records' with Sarah Pettyfer

Content continues after advertisements

DNA Club Wed 16 October 2024 'Y-DNA' with John Cleary

Genealogy Gadgets Club Thurs 24 October 2024 'Recording and storing your research: best practice & advice' with Lorna Kinnaird

Family Tree latest issue out December 2024 issue out 8 November

Study Club Mon 11 November 'A history of witchcraft' with Wayne Shepheard

DNA Club Wed 20 November 2024 'How to develop a DNA testing strategy to meet your research requirements' with Donna Rutherford

Genealogy Gadgets Club Thurs 28 November 2024 Topic TBC

Study Club Mon 9 December 'Whatever happened to Aunt Gorda?' with Phil Isherwood

Family Tree latest issue out January 2025 issue out 13 December

DNA Club Wed 18 December 2024 'DNA - helping you tell your family stories' with Michelle Leonard

Genealogy Gadgets Club Thurs 19 December 2024 Topic TBC

Above is your at-a-glance guide to the all-important Family Tree dates. It includes the dates to look out for the latest issue of Family Tree, the dates of Family Tree webinars, events and courses, and the dates of the Family Tree Plus club meetings. If you have any queries, please email [email protected] and we'll be happy to help. 

About the magazine: Family Tree is a monthly magazine, available as single issues, subscription and/or as a digital read included in your Family Tree Plus membership

About Study Club, DNA Club and Genealogy Gadgets Club meetings: These club meetings are available to Family Tree Plus members. Study Club is also available to subscribers to Family Tree.

About the webinars: The bonus webinars are available, included as part of the Family Tree Plus membership or as standalone tickets (see each webinar for individual details)

About the events: Throughout the year Family Tree runs a programme of events to help people learn more about family history, improving research skills and knowledge. As well as the club meetings and webinars above, we run, for instance, Scottish Family History Month (Feb), DNA Discoveries (Mar), and DNA Masterclasses and Research Skills Studio (both starting Apr). See each individual event for ticket details.

The simplest way to keep up with Family Tree news is to Sign up to our free enewsletter. To do so, just click here