DNA Bootcamp 2024

The links

This web page will be your hub page for the duration of the course - it's here that we are adding links for all the resources you'll need - such as recordings of the webinars, the links to the meetings, the downloadable digital version of the DNA Workbook, and of course the handouts.

The password

The links are password protected, solely for the use and enjoyment of DNA Bootcamp students. The password to access the links has been emailed to you - if you've not received it, please contact [email protected]

The recordings

It is here that the recordings for the webinars and group follow-up discussion meetings will be shared with DNA Bootcamp customers. Similarly links to the accompanying handouts and other course material will also be shared on this hub page. It will all be password protected and the passwords will be shared with DNA Bootcamp customers by email. 

PS - if this all sounds really interesting, but...

but... you have not yet signed up DNA Bootcamp 2024 never fear. Simply click here and register. The 8 week online course (including a digital copy of the latest edition of the DNA Workbook) costs £120 (£70 for members of Family Tree Plus or subscribers to Family Tree).

Bootcamp recordings

Week 1. Webinar 1. 25 September 2024



Useful info: the Workbook, course dates & reading & Facebook group

  • Digital DNA Workbook:  As a DNA Bootcamp 2024 customer your digital copy of the 2024 edition of the DNA Workbook will be available to download from 04 September 2024.
  • The Excel Resources file, which accompanies the DNA Workbook, will also be available for download from 04 September.
  • (Note: you do not need to register with Box, or pay for Box in order to download the pdf file or the Excel file. You do need a password to download these files though - it is the same password as for downloading the Handout. If you need a hand, please email [email protected])
  • Print edition DNA Workbook: If you ordered a print copy of the 2024 DNA Workbook, this will be posted out on 04 September 2024. If you have not done so, and would like to order a print edition, please contact [email protected].
  • Facebook Students Group: Join the Facebook group which will open after the first course session on 25 September 2024. We will share the link with you then. It is exclusively for students on the 2024 DNA Bootcamp course, to share DNA discoveries and ask DNA questions related to the course (all vital information will be circulated by email, and all course resources will be posted to this web page, so membership of the Facebook group is entirely optional). Facebook Students group will be archived 20th November 2024, at which point you will be invited to join the Facebook Alumni group. If you join the group using a name other than the one you booked on the DNA Bootcamp with, please email [email protected] to let her know so that we know you are genuine!
  • Course starts: Wednesday 25th September 7pm UK time the DNA Bootcamp first webinar will be presented. 
  • Course ends: Wednesday 13th November 7pm UK time the DNA Bootcamp final evening of follow-up meetings will be held.

Course dates

The course comprises a weekly event: a webinar one week, followed by a group follow-up meeting the next week, at which students can discuss how they are progressing with the course tasks with Michelle Leonard.

The webinars tend to last 1hr 30mins to 2hrs max. There are a choice of group follow-up meeting times: duration of each group follow-up meeting = 30 mins.

  • Wed 25 September 7pm UK webinar 1
  • Wed 02 October from 6.30pm follow-up meetings
  • Wed 09 October 7pm UK webinar 2
  • Wed 16 October from 6.30pm follow-up meetings
  • Wed 23 October 7pm UK webinar 3
  • Wed 30 October from 6.30pm follow-up meetings (Time Zone Note: UK clocks are now on GMT from this meeting onwards)
  • Wed 06 November 7pm UK webinar 4
  • Wed 13 November from 6.30pm follow-up meetings

Pre-Course Reading

Please click on the items below to download them (all PDF documents, will open in new window). The pre-course reading material will be available from 04 September 2024.


Discover Family Tree and Family Tree Plus

Family Tree Plus is the new online community for genealogists around the world.

Family Tree Plus members enjoy: the latest issue of Family Tree as soon as it’s published; access to three years of the digital magazine searchable archive; the opportunity to attend the Study Club, DNA Club and Gadgets Club monthly meetings (each of which are presented by experts in their field and available as recordings too); & exclusive resources, selected webinar events and more!

Family Tree magazine was first published in 1984. The world, genealogy, and what we do, is a little different now, but one thing hasn't changed: we're still passionate and excited about helping you discover and explore your family history.

Get the latest issue


Please do not share this page, the links, downloadable resources or the password with anyone else.
This page is exclusive to you as a DNA Bootcamp attendee. Content will be live until 15 February 2024.


If you would like to keep informed about future courses, events and meetings from Family Tree, please sign up for our free enewsletter. Thank you