Metropolitan Police habitual criminal registers released by TheGenealogist


25 May 2018
Man1-53461.png Metropolitan Police habitual criminal registers released by TheGenealogist
TheGenealogist has added habitual criminal registers and habitual drunkards registers of the Metropolitan Police Criminal Records Office to its criminal records collection.

TheGenealogist has added habitual criminal registers and habitual drunkards registers of the Metropolitan Police Criminal Records Office to its criminal records collection.

The records include photograpic portraits taken from the registers of habitual drunkards, which feature two photographs per individual, with some of the records also giving distinguishing features. The habital drunkards registers were distributed to licensed premises and clubs to prevent convicted persons from buying alcohol.

Record highlights

  • Entries contain a description of the individual and date of discharge from prison
  • Some records may also give distinguishing features of the individual
  • See face-on and profile photographs of habitual drunks
  • Records may also give the name of the prison, length of sentence and previous convictions
  • Includes registers created by the police to supervise released criminals, including spies

These new records from The National Archive’s MEPO 6 are available as part of the Diamond Subscription at TheGenealogist.