Travelling ancestors and mad hatters, with Adele Emm


05 April 2016
imports_FTRE_adele-emm1_37983.jpg Adele Emm
Just 2 more days to Who Do You Think You Are? Live 2016 and we can't wait! The show, which takes place at the NEC, Birmingham

Just 2 more days to Who Do You Think You Are? Live 2016 and we can't wait! The show, which takes place at the NEC, Birmingham, 7-9 April 2016, celebrates its 10th anniversary this year and promises to be bigger than ever before.

There will be more than 13o exhibitors - including us on stand 300! - a packed workshop programme and chances to chat with experts and researchers, as well as a replica Spitfire complete with ground crew, WW2 props and a mess hut!

We've been counting down the days to the show with a series of posts revealing seven of the best family history experts, who are each presenting lectures at the show. Today we're giving you the chance to read Adèle Emm's wonderful article on Romanies and fairground folk. Click the link below to download it now.

Romanies & fairground folk - Adele Emm

Adèle Emm is the author of Researching for the Media; Television, Radio and Journalism (Routledge), Tracing your Trade and Craftsman Ancestors (Pen and Sword) and is currently working on another genealogical book. She has been tracing her unusual surname since age 17 when parish registers were still often kept in the parish church. She is a long-standing member of the Society of Genealogists and Guild of One-Name Studies.

Visit Adèle's workshop, 'My ancestors made hats' on Saturday 9 April, 1.15pm-2pm, in SoG Theatre 3 and find out just what made the mad hatter mad.

Visitors to the show are advised to book workshop tickets in advance for the best value for money as workshops will all be at £3 on the day (£2 in advance). Show and workshop tickets can be booked at, or call 0844 873 7330. Calls cost 7p per minute plus network charges. If you haven't got your show tickets yet, there's still a few days left to get two tickets for £26 (£2.25 transaction fee applies). Quote code FT26 when booking. This offer ends today, so be quick!

If you're visiting Who Do You Think You Are? Live this year, don't forget to come and see us on stand 300 and take advantage of our best ever subscription deal, available exclusively at the show. Existing subscribers can also claim a free gift!

And to stock up your family history bookshop shelves, check out our fantastic range of genealogy publications in the Family Tree Bookshop on stand 192.