Life expectancy calculator released with new figures for life expectancy, 1981 to 2066


01 December 2017
How long can you expect to live and what are your changes of reaching the age of 100? Find out with this new life expectancy calculator from Office For National Statistics.

How long can you expect to live and what are your changes of reaching the age of 100? Find out with this new life expectancy calculator from Office For National Statistics (ONS). Find out how you're related to someone else with our relationship calculator.

A new report from the ONS shows the latest data for life expectancy, probability of dying and numbers surviving from the past and projected period and cohort life tables, for the UK and the constituent countries. 

In 2016 period life expectancy at birth in the UK was 79.2 years for males and 82.9 years for females. In 50 years time, period life expectancy at birth in the UK is projected to reach 86.4 years for males and 88.9 years for females. 44.2% of new born baby boys and 50% of new born baby girls in the UK in 2066 are projected to live to at least age 100.

Life expectancy calculator

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Commenting on the life tables, ONS Statistician Sophie Sanders said: "Improvements in life expectancy in the 2016-based projections are slightly lower than those projected in the 2014-based projections. This has been driven by higher mortality rates in 2015 and 2016 than were projected in the 2014-based projections and lower rates of mortality improvements at older ages over the first 25 years of the projections."

The full past and projected data from the period and cohort life tables: 2016-based, UK: 1981 to 2066 statistical bulletin can be found here.

(information and life expectancy calculator copyright ONS)