What is DNA Day?


20 April 2017
index-06295.png National DNA Day
DNA Day is celebrated every year on 25 April, commemorating the 1952 publication of papers on the structure of DNA in the journal Nature.

DNA Day is celebrated every year on 25 April, commemorating the 1952 publication of papers on the structure of  DNA in the journal Nature.

The date 25 April was also the day of the discovery of DNA’s double helix (in 1953) and the completion of the Human Genome Project (in 2003).

Each year, communities around the world mark DNA Day with celebrations, with the National Human Genome Research Institute in the USA leading this special day, through a programme of events including social events, lectures, symposiums and workshops. This year, individuals, communities and organisations will be sharing their findings and activities using the hashtag #DNADay2017

DNA testing is an important and expanding part of family history research, allowing anyone tracing their ancestors to find out more about their ancestry, break through brick walls which may have puzzled them for years, and link with genetic cousins around the world.