New Irish genealogy service


20 June 2012
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A new, free genealogy service is now available at the National Archives of Ireland and at the National Library of Ireland. The tw

A new, free genealogy service is now available at the National Archives of Ireland and at the National Library of Ireland. The two institutions have awarded the tender for the provision of these services to a new consortium.

The joint consortium of Eneclann and Ancestor Network will provide genealogy services in the National Archives of Ireland and the National Library of Ireland in the coming year, following a competitive tendering process.

The APGI (Association of Professional Genealogists in Ireland), which ran the Genealogy Advisory Service from its launch in 1989, is no longer associated with the Genealogy Service in either the National Archives of Ireland or in the National Library of Ireland. Helen Kelly, the Association’s president, said: ‘The decision was taken with a heavy heart but, in view of the diminished status of the Genealogy Services as outlined in the invitation to tender, the panel providing the service at the National Archives declined to participate in a bid.’

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