2018 events at Bletchley Park


20 December 2017
ila-desai-for-the-bletchley-park-trust-62678.jpg 2018 at Bletchley Park
A newly restored wartime hut will be open to the public for the first time as part of a varied calendar of exhibitions and events that will be held at Bletchley Park, Buckinghamshire, in 2018.

A newly restored wartime hut will be open to the public for the first time as part of a varied calendar of exhibitions and events that will be held at Bletchley Park, Buckinghamshire, in 2018.

The highlight of the Buckinghamshire museum’s programme is the opening of a major new permanent exhibition in March at Hut 11A, featuring original artefacts to tell the story of how the Enigma challenge was overcome by the invention of the Bombe machines.

The spotlight will also be thrown on some of the Veterans of Bletchley Park in a new display opening in the Mansion’s Garden Room in February and featuring highlights from the Museum’s Oral History programme.

Wartime re-enactment

The season will feature two 1940s weekends filled with re-enactors and historical displays, following on from similar events in 2017. Meanwhile, an exhibition of site-specific works titled ‘Systems of Philosophy - Wall(paper)s of the Mind’ by regionally based artist Sally Annett - supported by Arts Council England, English Heritage and Alchemy Solutions - will open in July.

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There will also be family activities, with school holiday workshops covering internet safety and more. Full details of all events will be available closer to the time on the Bletchley Park website

(image copyright Ila Desaid for the Bletchley Park Trust)