Your Research Skills Workbook Resources

Welcome to your Research Skills Workbook Resources web page

The Research Skills Workbook Resources comprise a collection of Worksheets to accompany the Research Skills Workbook, a new 52 page family history guide, written by Dr Sophie Kay and published by Family Tree (Warners Group Publications plc) that is filled with tips, tactics and methodologies to help you become a smarter family history researcher.

We know you're going to find it extremely useful - and hope you'll find it fun too! Enjoy!

If you have any queries, please email [email protected]

Your Worksheets

Below are links to downloadable copies of the Worksheets referred to in the Research Skills Workbook. Download your Worksheets using the links below - they're available as PDF (for you to print and complete by hand) and Word files (for you to edit onscreen).

Password: Please use the password provided on page 5 of the Research Skills Workbook.

PDF format:

Surname Search String Worksheet (referred to on page 12)

Ancestral Walks Worksheet (page 21)

The Three Cs Worksheet (page 27)

Sibling Shuffle Bingo Worksheet (page 47)

My Notes (pages 48 and 49)


Word format:

Surname Search String Worksheet (referred to on page 12)

Ancestral Walks Worksheet (page 21)

The Three Cs Worksheet (page 27)

Sibling Shuffle Bingo Worksheet (page 47)

My Notes (pages 48 and 49)


You don't yet have a copy of the Research Skills Workbook?

The Research Skills Workbook is available as a 52 page printed publication and may be purchased from our online shop priced £20 (£11.99 for Family Tree subscribers or members of Family Tree Plus)

Join the Research Skills Studio - NEW online course

Starting Tuesday 9 April, 7.30pm UK time, Dr Sophie Kay will be tutoring the 4 week online course: Research Skills Studio. The course comprises webinar presentations by Sophie, followed by group discussions, and a digital copy of the Research Skills Workbook. The course costs £109 (or £69 for Family Tree subscribers or members of Family Tree Plus). To find out more and book your place, please click here.

Tell me more about the course

Informative, fascinating and extremely fun, the 4-week online Research Skills Studio course tutored by Dr Sophie Kay is suitable for researchers wishing to hone smarter research skills to learn more about their family history.

Taking place from 9 to 30 April, the course costs £109 (or just £69 for Family Tree subscribers or Family Tree Plus members).

Dr Sophie Kay is passionate about genealogy methodology – and helping others to learn the skills to conduct their research in a more organised, thorough manner.

The online course, tutored by Sophie and hosted by Family Tree, will comprise:

  • Expert webinars, delivered via Zoom
  • Interactive online group discussions
  • Your digital copy of our brand new workbook publication, Sophie’s Research Skills Workbook

All the sessions will be presented live and the video recordings will be made available within 24 hours of the live session. The recordings will remain available to you until 30 June 2024.

About the Research Skills Workbook

A digital copy of the Research Skills Workbook is included in the Research Skills Studio online course price mentioned above and will be available to customers on the Research Skills Studio course. The Research Skills Workbook will also be available as a standalone printed publication priced £20 (£11.99 FT subscribers or members of Family Tree Plus), plus postage. If you wish to buy a printed copy, please visit our online shop.

About Dr Sophie Kay

From DNA to historical maps, from research methods to historical occupations, Dr. Sophie Kay is a professional genealogist and geneticist at Khronicle® ( who loves all manner of family history research challenges. She’s the Ancestry and Genealogy Expert for popular archaeology show, Time Team; the specialist DNA Tutor for the Institute of Heraldic and Genealogical Studies; and teaches courses in historical mapping techniques and research methodology at Pharos Tutors. She’s also a Member of AGRA, a UK organisation of professional genealogists. Sophie’s family history blog can be found at The Parchment Rustler (, where she shares tips, tricks and strategies for making the most of your ancestral research journey.

Please note:

The Research Skills Workbook and accompanying Worksheets may be printed or duplicated as a digital file for your personal use only. For any queries, please contact [email protected]. All other reproduction in part or in whole is forbidden.

The Research Skills Workbook is published by Warners Group Publications plc, and printed by Warners Digital, Warners Group Publications plc, The Maltings, West Street, Bourne, Lincolnshire PE10 9PH, UK. © Dr Sophie Kay/Family Tree/Warners Group Publications plc 2024: All rights reserved.