Family History Workbook for Beginners
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Are you confused about these downloads? We can help! You need a copy of the Family History Workbook for Beginners.
There is now a brand new edition out. It's 100 pages packed with family history information and step-by-step guides, search tips and tactics to help you trace your family history.
To buy your copy of the brand new edition, just click here. (Available for pre-order, on sale from 3 June 2024).
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This web page is to accompany the Family History Workbook for Beginners (edition 1)
The resources on this web pages are for your personal use. You may print as many copies of the downloads as you wish for your personal use. You may share copies of the downloads with your family. You may not otherwise share or publish copies of the downloads in either printed or digital format. For any reproduction and copying queries, please email [email protected] and we will be happy to advise.