January 2023
Issue Media

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- Offer Number:
- 206
- On Sale:
- 09/12/2022
- Digital Edition:
- £5.99
- Print Edition:
- £0.00 (plus postage)
Issue Summary
BUMPER PACK – print edition includes the brand new FAMILY HISTORY HANDBOOK 2023 and the January issue of Family Tree!
On Sale: 09/12/2022
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What's in this Issue?
Did you know with a Family Tree Plus membership you can access this issue, the 2023 handbook and a library of Family Tree back issues for just £9.99/month? Find out more
INSIDE FAMILY TREE, JANUARY 2023…It’s a question of… questions
- Tracing our family stories is a journey filled with questions. And this issue we look at some particularly intriguing ones… Do you have blue blood?
- Diane Brook asks us to reflect on ‘what might have been’ and on the likelihood of each of us having royal descent. What to do about secret identities?
- Researcher Simon Wills considers useful strategies for tracing folk using alias names. Can you help me trace him, before it’s too late?
- DNA advisor Karen Evans helps a reader trace their mother-in-law’s father. Do you know the answers?
- Family Tree Academy Tutor David Annal ends the year with a genealogical pictorial quiz for you to test yourself and see how much you know.
- Diane Lindsay wonders whether to take an mt-DNA test. Should she, shouldn't she?
- BUMPER DIRECTORY of family history websites & organisations
- Your guides to:
- Key family history records
- How to date old family photos
- Understanding old dates, words, and weights & measures
- Family history puzzles & brainteasers
And so much more inside the January issue…
- At your service - Tracing gentleman’s servants
- It’s not an easy task, but it can be hugely rewarding, Virginia Sylvester demonstrates with her exploration into Victorian servants
- The York Fever Hospital
- Sue Greenwood relates the history of a local hospital from the late 1800s
- An ancestor living in sin – surely not!
- Pam Stevens investigates the life of an ancestor widowed 3 times, married 4, and who broke the law... only once
- Make your online tree the best it can be
- Five small & simple steps to make more of your online family tree with Ancestry
- A big birth cover-up exposed, 139 years later
- Graham Caldwell solves a 50-year brickwall for reader Jack Morath
- PLUS all your regular favourites
- Family history news with Rachel Bellerby reporting on the latest from the world of genealogy
- Twiglets: Gill Shaw gets out and about with her family history, walking in the footsteps of her great-grandfather as she visits the East London docklands
- Spotlight on - The Family Historian User Group: a group dedicated to getting the best from the Family Historian software
- Genealogy Gadgets: This issue Bedfordshire Family History Society show how it's done – with top tips on running a hybrid meeting
- Photo corner: Jayne Shrimpton helps a reader puzzle out a photo and sets a puzzle of her own
- Your questions & letters: Our experts share their insights on reader research problems
- Diary dates: Dates for 2023 to look forward to with your family history.