Plan your Heritage Open Days 2024 - 6-15 September


05 August 2024
Find out what's on during the annual Heritage Open Days festival in 2024 - the 30th year of Heritage Open Days. Discover the venues and events and plan your Heritage Open Days visits for September 2024.

What is 'Heritage Open Days'?

Is Heritage Open Days free? How much does Heritage Open Days cost?

How to join in with Heritage Open Days How to get involved with Heritage Open Days

How to find Heritage Open Days events near you

How to find Heritage Open Days of interest to you?

How to hold a Heritage Open Days event

About Heritage Open Days 2024

Heritage Open Days is a free online history event that is supported by the National Trust, English Heritage, Churches Conservation Trust, Historic Houses, Friends of Friendless Churches and Woodland Trust.

This year's theme - Routes, Networks & Connections - brings together a festival that includes workshops, talks, hidden spaces, walks and activities for all the family.

Last year there were more than 5,000 history events over the Heritage Open Days, and this year there are more than 3,900 already listed on the interactive map (see link below) with more than 800 added in the past week alone, as preparations hot up.

Explore the packed programme at

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What is 'Heritage Open Days'?

'Heritage Open Days' is 'England's largest festival of culture and history'. It's a festival put on, at venues across England, manned by volunteers, and is FREE to attend. Sometimes Heritage Open Day events provide you with free access to a venue for which you would usually need to pay to gain access; at other times Heritage Open Day events provide you with access to historic spaces that are not usually open to the public.

Is Heritage Open Days free? How much does Heritage Open Days cost?

Yes, Heritage Open Day events are free to attend. It costs nothing. This makes it an ideal time to treat yourself to some history adventures, and bring family and friends along too.

How to join in with Heritage Open Days

Find out what's on: Explore the listings here

Learn the role of the volunteers: might you have skills and knowledge to share? Explore the case studies, featuring the volunteers involved in Heritage Open Days, and discover the wide range of people, interests and know-how involved. Explore case studies here

How to find Heritage Open Days events near you

To explore the listings of Heritage Open Days events near you, you may find the printable area lists useful. Explore the HOD printable area lists 

Alternatively, explore the HOD interactive map

How to find Heritage Open Days of interest to you

There are a lot of Heritage Open Day events to choose from - last year there were more than 5,000 across England! This means that you can't do them all, sadly, and need to choose events on topics of of most importance to you. Use the Heritage Open Days 'What's On?' listings here.

How to hold a Heritage Open Days event

Get involved: To find out how to register your own Heritage Open Days' event, see the advice on the HOD website. Entries for 2024 close 8 August. If you've missed the deadline for this year, make a note for next - Heritage Open Days has been going for 30 years this year, and it is hoped to continue long into the future. Explore the 'How to get involved' information

About Heritage Open Days

Find out more about Heritage Open Days 2024