General Register Office launches final phase of PDF trial


22 March 2017
2011_01_29_12_12_57-06261.jpg General Register Office PDF trial
The General Register Office has announced the launch of its third phase PDF trial, covering UK births, marriages and deaths.

The General Register Office (GRO) has announced the launch of its third phase PDF trial, covering UK births, marriages and deaths. 

The pilot phase PDF project marks the first time that a registration from England and Wales has been offered in anything other than paper format. During the trial, customers can request a PDF (electronic file image) copy of a birth, marriage or death cerfiticate for the following dates:

  • Births 1935-2006
  • Marriages 1837-2010
  • Deaths 1958-2006

PDF copies of those civil registration entries that are not held by GRO in a digital format are included within this phase of the pilot, and customers must supply a GRO reference number. 

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The PDFs cost £8 each (as opposed to £9 for a paper certificate) and willl be supplied within five days. The scheme will run either until 12 April 2017 or until 400,000 PDFs have been supplied.

To use the PDF service, simply select PDF as a service option when ordering a certificate. The PDF images are not certified, and so cannot be used for official purposes, such as obtaining a passport.

The GRO has said that the PDF pilot will be used to 'inform future service provision' but hasn't given a time scale for if and when the scheme would be made permanent.

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(Image copyright Tuck DB Postcards)