Presentation: DNA match correspondence skills, with Michelle Leonard, 18 September


09 August 2024
Join us for the September DNA Club webinar at which Michelle Leonard of Genes and Genealogy will be teaching tips and tactics to increase your success when contacting and corresponding with DNA matches.

Contacting our DNA matches can be an extremely beneficial step to take. However, it’s not always as easy at it seems. Diplomacy, patience, and a thorough understanding of what you are asking and the implications it may have for someone else are really helpful, to ensure you can contact your DNA match and have the best chance of fruitful correspondence going forward. Michelle Leonard draws on her many years of experience as a professional DNA researcher, to help you pitch it right when you reach out to a match.

How can I join the DNA Club webinar
The webinar will take place on Zoom on Wednesday 18 September, 12,30pm UK time with Michelle Leonard.

DNA news will be presented by Karen Evans
This webinar presentation is part of the DNA Club programme brought to you by Family Tree Plus.

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The online learning session will last one hour: with DNA news, then a 30-40 minute presentation, followed by time for questions.
The session is available two ways:
1.    to those on a 7-day free trial to Family Tree Plus (to take a free trial see
2.    to members of Family Tree Plus (£7.99 a month for existing Family Tree subscribers; £9.99 a month for non-subscribers) - for details, see here.
If you have any queries about the presentation or about Family Tree Plus, please email [email protected]

About the speaker
Michelle Leonard of Genes & Genealogy is a Scottish professional genealogist and DNA detective. She specialises in solving adoption and all manner of unknown ancestor mysteries using DNA but also undertakes traditional genealogical research, living-relative tracing, historical and television research, tutoring, webinars and speaking engagements. She is also known for her work identifying WWI soldiers especially with The Fromelles Genealogy Project. She is a regular speaker at major international genealogy events and is also one of the co-authors of Tracing Your Ancestors Using DNA: A Guide For Family Historians, and author of The DNA Bootcamp Workbook, which accompanies Michelle’s 8-week online DNA Bootcamp course.