Bringing it all up to date: family history research in the 20th century with David Annal, 5th December


20 November 2024
Tracing our more recent ancestors can often prove more difficult than tracking down those from earlier times. This talk looks at the sources available to us and how we can use them to piece together the stories of our 20th Century ancestors.

How to watch the webinar:
The webinar will take place on Zoom on Thursday 5th December, 6.30pm UK time with David Annal.
This webinar presentation is part of the programme brought to you by Family Tree Plus.
The online learning session will last one hour: with a 30-40 minute presentation, followed by time for questions.

The session is available three ways:
1.    to those on a 7-day free trial to Family Tree Plus (to take a free trial see
2.    to members of Family Tree Plus (£7.99 a month for existing Family Tree subscribers; £9.99 a month for non-subscribers) - for details, see here.
3.    Or to customers purchasing a £10 ticket

If you have any queries about the presentation or about Family Tree Plus, please email [email protected]

About the speaker:

Experienced lecturer and author David Annal has been involved in the family history world for more than 40 years and is a former principal family history specialist at The National Archives. In 2019 he was awarded a Fellowship of the Society of Genealogists and in 2022 he was elected a Fellow of the Royal Historical Society. David runs his own family history research business, Lifelines Research, and has a YouTube channel at