The Catholic Heritage Archive - how to find Roman Catholic ancestors


18 October 2017
| Mosaic at Westminster Cathedral - tracing Roman Catholic ancestors
The Catholic Heritage Archive at FindMyPast has millions of records on Roman Catholics from Ireland, the UK and the USA. Discover how to use this archive to find your ancestors.

The Catholic Heritage Archive at FindMyPast has millions of records on Roman Catholics from Ireland, the UK and the USA. Discover how to use this archive to find your ancestors.

The Roman Catholic Church is the largest Christian denomination in the world.  It has some of the oldest and best preserved genealogical records ever created and now FindMyPast has launched a new initiative to digitise these records, in a project which will eventually include 100 million records.

Records in the Catholic Heritage Archive

Millions of Irish records are now being joined by the sacramental registers of England, Scotland and the US. The project will begin with the Registers for the Archdiocese of Philadelphia in the USA and the Archdioceses of Birmingham and Westminster in England. The Philadelphia records start back in 1757, while those for Westminster and Birmingham in 1657.

Watch the video

The records include:

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  • Baptisms 
  • Marriages 
  • Deaths & Burials
  • Census and more

Please note that the Catholic Heritage Archive is available as part of a subscription to FindMyPast. A 14-day free trial is currently on offer.

(video and information courtesy of FindMyPast)