17 September 2024
This talk by professional genealogist Sarah Pettyfer will use case studies to guide you through the process of identifying and locating records, held at The National Archives, Kew, in Chancery Court cases.
When & where?
The meeting will take place on Zoom, on Monday 14th October, 6.30-7.30pm. (UK time - BST)
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How to join the meeting
This presentation is part of the Study Club programme brought to you by Family Tree Plus.
The session is available three ways:
- FREE to members of Family Tree Plus (£9.99 a month) - for details, see here.
- Study Club sessions are also available to Family Tree magazine subscribers (print or digital editions) as part of their subscription. To find out how you can subscribe, see here.
- By registering for £10 using the form below
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About the speaker
Sarah Pettyfer holds the IHGS Higher Certificate and Diploma in Genealogy and is a professional family and house history researcher and a solicitor (no longer practising). It is therefore not surprising that her specialist areas of interest are legal records, such as court records, both civil (manorial, chancery, etc) and criminal and deeds. Sarah prefers to undertake pre-C19th research. She is a Member of AGRA, RQG, APG.