Share & save those family memories


28 April 2020
During lockdown many of us will be missing family, but while we're messaging and calling, why not add a bit of family history to the mix? Here are 12 must-ask questions that the team at Ancestry has come up with to help.

Ancestry has worked with psychologist, Honey Langcaster-James to help people uncover more about their family history during these unprecedented times and beyond via asking the following questions:


12 Questions To Ask Your Family:

  1. What are your earliest memories?
  2. What do you remember about your Grandparents, Aunts and Uncles?
  3. What were your parents like and what are your clearest memories of them?
  4. What memories stand out from your school days?
  5. Who were your favourite friends in childhood and what did you get up to together?
  6. Who was your first crush or first love, and what can you remember about them?
  7. What do you remember about your first job and what was it like doing what you did for a living?
  8. How did you meet your husband/wife and what can you remember about your wedding?
  9. Where was your first home, and what was it like getting your own home for the first time?
  10. What was it like having your first child?
  11. What memories do you have of raising your children and what did they get up to when they were young?
  12. If you were to write your life story to hand it all on to future generations of your family, what other stories would you want them to hear?


“Uncovering your family history can give you a real sense of security and meaning, a clearer sense of who you are as a person, and a feeling of being supported throughout time... Learning about the journey your family has taken through time, perhaps their origins and the unique challenges they overcame, can put your current life struggles and worries into perspective too,” advises Honey Langcaster-James.

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Keen to continue the journey to record your family stories & memories. Check out the Family Tree pull-out guide on how to interview family over the web, to record stories and memories - complete with handy prompt cards too. The pull-out guide comes with the June issue of Family Tree on sale from 8th May. Click here to order your copy over the web (free UK p&p). 


Photo by Laura Fuhrman on Unsplash